Research Theory by Alan Arqueza at Da Vader Theory at twitter.
From the cryptic mirror painting of Annunciation we see unveiled the outline of the popular iconic figure of Darth Vader we recognize from the 1977 motion picture space opera titled 'Star Wars' by Lucasfilms, LTD.
The renaissance painting titled Annunciation from the year circa 1472~1475 A.D. when viewed with a mirror from the reference point of a cryptographically concealed center line reveals a hidden image of the omnipresence of Darth Vader. The painter Leonardo da Vinci demonstrates from the late 1400's A.D. the esoteric techniques of remote viewing 500 years into the future revealing to us the knowledge of events from the year 1977. Is the renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci explaining to us the admiration of the science fiction movie 'Star Wars'?
Outline image of Darth Vader in mirror painting Annunciation by Leonardo Da Vinci
| Mirror Painting of Annciation by Leonardo Da Vinci - Mysterious Man Wearing Black Coat and Ha
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